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Friday, September 9, 2011

English Bulldogs are the laziest dogs in the world!

It's a fact!  We saw it on Dogs 101 on Animal Planet the other night.  Chunk enjoyed watching it, too!  He likes to watch television that feature dogs, cartoons or football, in that order. 

A prime example of bulldog laziness:

9am--Chunk & I get up, have breakfast and play outside.
9:30 am--I decide to give Chunk a bath, because his "Stinkles" (that's his wrinkles when they get dirty) well, stink!
I fill his tub, scrub him, rinse him, dry him, brush him, and let him dry outside for a while. Oh, and brush his teeth!

11am--He can barely keep his eyes open.  All of this sitting around while I pamper him has worn him out.  I put him in his crate with a dental chew.  I can hear him snoring as I type. 

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