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Monday, October 24, 2011

Chunk's best friend!

There's a new bulldog on the street!  Meet Riggins (Hail to the Redskins!) an 11 month old English Bulldog who lives a few houses down from us.  He and Chunk play everyday and just love each other.  They bite, bite, bite then roll, run, lay down, drink water and start all over again. 

Happy Halloween from Chunk!

We took Chunk to a local "Dogtoberfest" and entered him in the costume contest.  The crowd loved him and everyone was laughing and pointing at our adorable bully.  He doesn't mind his costume at all!  He came in 2nd place and won a big tote bag full of food, toys and treats.  Of course, we think he should have one first place! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

English Bulldogs are the laziest dogs in the world!

It's a fact!  We saw it on Dogs 101 on Animal Planet the other night.  Chunk enjoyed watching it, too!  He likes to watch television that feature dogs, cartoons or football, in that order. 

A prime example of bulldog laziness:

9am--Chunk & I get up, have breakfast and play outside.
9:30 am--I decide to give Chunk a bath, because his "Stinkles" (that's his wrinkles when they get dirty) well, stink!
I fill his tub, scrub him, rinse him, dry him, brush him, and let him dry outside for a while. Oh, and brush his teeth!

11am--He can barely keep his eyes open.  All of this sitting around while I pamper him has worn him out.  I put him in his crate with a dental chew.  I can hear him snoring as I type.