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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chunk's Wednesday

We take a walk to a friend's house, 5 houses down.  It's a hot day so Chunk is done walking in about 10 minutes.

Later, we meet another friend with her dog for a "play date" to the local dog park.  Again, it's hot, so Chunk is moving at a snail's pace.  (Or maybe a bulldog's pace!)

We go to the dog park, and Chunk's favorite thing there is the doggie water fountain, which is at ground level for him.  He drinks and drinks until his tummy expands.

Next, he finds the ONLY mud puddle in the whole park.  Of course he has to dig in it.  Now his paws and face are covered in dirt.  He then waddles over to the bench where my friend and I are talking.  There's a hole under the bench that a previous dog park visitor had dug.  I guess that Chunk is glad to find a shady spot, because he flops down in the hole, belly in the dirt.  He definitely will need a bath  when we get home!

Since a storm is approaching, we head home.  I put Chunk in his outdoor wash tub.  He's worn out so he's resting his head on the edge of the tub the entire time.  It starts to rain, but there's no way I can take him inside--he's filthy AND wet!  So we quickly finish his bath and get him inside.  Put some peanut butter in his Kong, and he's snoring within 5 minutes.  Only Chunk can make a play date turn out to be work for me!

Introducing Chunk--in pictures

Because he's just so darn cute.....